Becoming Magic
The sacred dance partner of the Wolf Sovereign is the Raven Seer. This ally is a profound portal into the mysteries of the Wyrd Web of life that leaves us forever changed by entering through it. This is an energy sorcery class for the deep divers and curious alike.
The Chakras are natural vortices of psychic energy which coalesce in different layers of our energy body, providing us with different ways of seeing and creating with energy. They each are a magical crossroads of inner initiation, cauldrons of psychic alchemy, soul gates, ways of healing, understandings of unity, and enigmas of relation. Perhaps most importantly, when tuned into the natural resonance of its dreaming, each chakra is a way of navigating the psychic and waking world terrains of our life to reclaim the lost parts of self and reestablish a truly soulful way of being.
This class includes:
How can I open my chakras to set free their natural powers? We will rewild the chakras with the different elemental formulas to invoke magic within ourselves and evoke empowerment in the world around us.
What is chakra sorcery/witchcraft? We will explore the magical tools of the witch-psychic via the chakras, the Pantacle, Challice, Blade and Wand, and with these, we will learn how to discover and draw the “sword in the stone” to bring about our sacred anointment as sovereign seers empowered with the Dragon Force.
How can I connect with spirit allies in nature and other places? We will learn about connecting, communing and collaborating with spirit allies, especially those in nature and the spirits of place.
What are the ancient mysteries of the Mother Teachings and the Father Teachings? We will explore these often misunderstood aspects of psychic development and how they both guide us and dance with one another inside of each of us.
How can I navigate my psychic life with the chakras? We will learn to see our everyday world through each chakra and discern how they teach us to navigate the psychic landscapes we find ourselves in.
What happens in class? The class will be part discussion, part questions and answers and part guided meditations.