What is bone throwing? It’s a form of divination that connects you to ancestral wisdom and your own intuition.
Join Kat Bacchus for this evening session of diving into the world of symbols.
Her modern style of throwing the bones allows you to bring in your own heritage and cultural influences.
In this hands-on class, you’ll build a starter kit of natural objects and charms that’s yours to keep. You’ll also receive a guidebook so class can be focused on practice readings and jumping in head first so you have confidence to explore more on your own.
No experience necessary.
$55 includes all materials. You can also bring any of your own objects to practice with.
Kat Bacchus has been studying, reading and teaching Tarot for more than a decade. She expanded into Bone Throwing when living in a tiny space on wild land in 2017. Since then she’s had a more vibrant connection with nature and interpreting messages from all manner of elements.