Bogwarts Summer Day Camp 7/8-7/12 10-4PM
Join us for this magickal Summer experience where we will explore nature, magick, and ritual in a peaceful group setting. Our shaded outdoor classroom is in the midst of 80+ acres of Western Gateway Park in Penn Valley CA. This beautiful setting offers us many nature trails to explore, a calm and safe creek to cool off in the afternoons, and room to play and have fun!
We begin each day with a circle check in & grounding practice, followed by a rich offering of lessons in magick, craft activities, games, nature walks, and water play. We will study & explore many aspects of magick including: potion making, spell casting,, divination, animal spirits/familiars, spirit communication, reverence for nature, elemental magick, wand-making, and much more.
This will be our 6th Summer program and we look forward to many new & returning young witches and wizards.
Session 2 July 8th-12th 10am-4pm daily
Location: Western Gateway Park in Penn Valley, CA
Ages 6-16
$333 per session if pre-paid by April 15th/
$444 per session after 4/15
$555 for both sessions if pre-paid by April 15th