Bogwarts Afterschool Ritual Theater Club
Join us for this weekly afterschool club where we will explore our emotions, our magick, and our creative acting skills. We will be using ritual, improv (making up scenes, dialogue, and characters on the spot, based on themes relating to our current emotions and situations which might feel challenging). We will be working collectively to choose or write a unique script or story to work on for 3 months together and will be performing as a group at the end of the 3 months. We will be hosting guest teachers from local theater companies once monthly to offer us special tips, tricks, and training in stage acting and other skills.
This workshop will be a blend of ritual, theater, and fun for all ages from 6-16.
Signups will be for the entire month only, so that we can create a safe and cohesive group for collaboration and relationship building.
Space is limited to only 16 participants.