Free from 12-5, music and group ritual to call in the spirits after 7 (doors open at 6).
Cover is $13 in advance or $18 at the door. Local songstress Angelica Rockne will start us off with her beautiful voice, which is striking in its willingness to be exposed, naked, yet there is a strength that comes through that almost feels learned, like how we learn to navigate chaos. Nevertheless, what is underlying and constant throughout is an exquisite tenderness.
After a brief break with will drop into group ritual with the musical background of Dost, a Sacramento-based hypnotic-doomyfolk-blackmetal ritual music project inspired by the desire to sing over the bones of wild woman and bring her back to life. A guarded, respectful, and deeply relational animacy, Dost consists of Aubrey, Eva, and Tova.
Show will run until November 8th.
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